The principle of the ultrasonic cleaning process is as follows: Piezo electric transducers are attached to the cleaning tank. They generate ultrasound waves that vibrate the cleaning fluid at very high velocity, creating a process called cavitation. Millions of tiny bubbles implode within the solution and penetrate into every orifice of the item being cleaned, removing dirt and grime within seconds. Our in-built chiller unit when set to a desired temperature from 5-20 deg. Cent. can keep the sample cool. Ultrasonic Generator will generate heat during the process of cleaning.
To control the heat a Chiller System is provided from outside the Bath. The chiller provided in the Ultrasonic Cleaner Regulates the temperature and keep the machine in good condition for a long functional life. The chiller provided in the Ultrasonic Cleaner regulates the temperature and keep the machine in good condition for a longer functional life.